Dental web marketing is a fast paced and highly competitive game that every dental office must play. Keeping your dental practice on the cutting edge of marketing is not easy, especially when considering the many other stresses that a business owner must deal with. But I am here to tell you a little secret about online marketing that can help your dental practice be one step ahead of the competition: it is search engine optimization.
SEO is a phenomenon that has taken off in certain dental marketing communities. Dental SEO allows your dental office to be higher up on the search engine queue when someone types in and searches certain dentistry related keywords.
Now I am sure that I do not have to espouse to you the importance of being high up on a search engine queue. Up to 93% of internet experiences begin with a search engine, especially those internet experiences that involve an individual looking for a new service, such as someone looking for a new dentist, and 42% of people who use search engines end up clicking on the top-ranking link. Making sure that the website of your dental office is either the top link or one of the top links is critical. And this is where dental SEO is one of the only services that can help.
Dental SEO can make sure that your practice is at the top of the search engine list, so that when new dental patients in your area are looking for a dentist, your dental website magically appears on their computer screen.
The way people shop in the 21st century is markedly different from the way it was done earlier. The first impression that people get of your business is not from walking inside of it, but from seeing the website on the internet. Dental SEO makes it more probable that they will see your website, and that they will see your webpage before they see the webpage of your competitors.