In this cyber age, having a dental web marketing system is a must in order to excel and effectively generate more phone calls and more patients. Your market is no longer in the physical world of phone books, magazine ads and billboards, your next patient is sitting at his computer right now, looking for your services. Reach out to him; let him know you are there and you can provide him excellent dental service, otherwise new dental patients will be hard to come by, now and in the coming years.
A dental web marketing system consists of a well organized web presence which accurately and professionally depicts your clinics brand and the best dental websites do not stop at just a .com; they expand to blogs, Facebooks, Twitters and email campaigns. In fact, 57 percent of businesses have gained a new customer as a result of their company blog and Email marketing generates $40 on each dollar spent on dental marketing.
Your dental web marketing system must be consistent in its high quality design. Brand identity is extremely important and can make all the difference in a potential customer deciding to go to your clinic. Some ways brand identity can be established within your dental web marketing system are: easy to navigate, well organized, aesthetically pleasing websites; color combinations that the customer can associate with your dentistry; an eye catching, simple logo; and information presented on all of your sites which set you apart from competitors.
Once you establish all of these tactics and online accounts, your dental web marketing system has begun! You should hire somebody to moderate these online accounts regularly (especially Facebook and Twitter accounts) so that you can remind your customers of your name and remain relevant.
In terms of generating new dental patients, an online presence is a necessity and the best way to execute this presence is through a cohesive, coordinated and consistent dental web marketing system.