Making the adjustments that come with a new prosthetic take time. One study finds that there are over 1 million limb amputations that take place each year. You are not alone in learning to adjust to a slightly different lifestyle. Thankfully, innovations have made using prosthetic limbs much easier than it used to be. People who have had an amputation find the return to normalcy much easier with the help of items including specially made walking boots. In this post, you will learn how to regain mobility after dealing with an amputation.
Which Type of Amputation has Occurred
The type of amputation you have gone through determines where your recovery process begins. If an amputation has left the knee intact, this makes walking a bit easier. An amputation above the knee could have more of an impairment on how your body supports its weight. The initial stages of recovery involve resting in bed. After you are ready to get out of bed, you will often be placed in a wheelchair. A wheelchair allows you to have mobility while using other parts of your body.
Beginning Stages of Walking Again
Enhancing mobility after limb loss is now your first priority. One study finds that 86% of amputations involve the lower body while only 14% involve the upper body. You will now begin to start small tasks involving standing up. Don’t become dejected if you can stand for small amounts of time. It takes a lot of time to recover from a limb amputation. Placing unneeded extra stress on yourself can be detrimental to the recovery process. Custom prosthetics are often used during the recovery phase to let you get used to the feeling of this device.
Fine Tuning Your Prosthetic
The more time you spend using a prosthetic, the more likely you’ll know the adjustment that needs to be made. A medical staff may try various prosthetic sizes during recovery, to help you receive the perfect device. Future prosthetic updates will work to ensure you have a device that fits perfectly. It’s important that your prosthetic is properly sized to footwear, including walking boots. Many types of prosthetic footwear exist which makes having a snug fit for your prosthetic essential.
In closing, there are several phases that must take place after a limb amputation. One study finds that nearly 3.6 million people in the United States will have a lost limb by 2050. The next stage after an amputation has occurred will be concerned with the type of surgery you’ve had. Larger amputations may require a more extensive type of recovery plan. You will begin post surgery recovery in a wheelchair. Being placed in a wheelchair allows you to get used to moving around. Next, you will spend small amounts of time on placing weight while standing up. Over time, you will try out various prosthetics, in order to find which adjustments fit perfectly. Before long, you will be able to put on a set of walking boots and experience the freedom of walking again.